Paula Poundstone once said that the reason adults are always asking children what they want to be when they grow up is not because they’re interested; it’s because they’re looking for ideas. With all deference to Paula Poundstone, I think… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘Human Resources & Team Building’
The One Essential, Indispensable Ingredient Of A Great Leader
I was having lunch and the person I was talking with told me she loved her accountant. “I love him. I just love him,” were her exact words. “Why,” I asked her? “What makes someone love their accountant?” “Or their… Read More
The 2 Most Overlooked Reasons Why Your Team Needs Transparency
Take a survey of your employees consisting of one question: “What do you think our net profit is as a percentage of gross revenue?” Chances are that your employees, even members of your management team, will guess in a range… Read More
Does Your Personnel Manual Have These 4 Items?
Many companies have personnel manuals they’ve worked hard to put together and have not looked at for five years or more. If you’re one of those companies, or are simply looking to put together a personnel manual for the first… Read More
Are Your Non-Competition Agreements Actually Protecting Your Company?
I can’t count the number of clients who have called us over the years to request that we either draft or rework the non-competition agreements they present for signature to their employees. What I can count (on one hand, no… Read More
Here’s Why I’m Going To Fire You
“Here’s why I’m going to fire you.” Sounds like a pretty tough way to begin a conversation. With an opening like that, the entire meeting is bound to be unpleasant. That is, unless you are having this conversation exactly when… Read More
The 8 Qualities of a Great Employee
I can’t think of a business magazine or column that didn’t, at one time or another, feature a list of things that characterize a great workplace, an excellent boss or a checklist for “employee incentives that work.” As the owner… Read More